Crane Architectural Group is a team of dedicated professionals providing architectural and planning services to a broad spectrum of the building industry, including governmental agencies and private developers. We are committed to design excellence and Responsive Architecture. Our objective is to provide our clients with the highest possible quality of architecture. We are not a high volume architectural firm. Consequently, we are able to devote our attention exclusively to each of our client’s projects,and the result is cost effective construction.You do not have to sacrifice quality architecture in order to achieve cost effective construction. Because of the exclusive attention we devote to each project, we are not only able to lower construction costs, but we are able to concentrate fully on attaining a high degree of quality. By close attention to details, we achieve both quality architecture and cost effective construction.
Richard J. Crane, Jr., AIA is an experienced professional and principal of the firm. He believes in a Hands On Approach to all phases of a project. Our direct involvement throughout the project allows more efficient communications between the client and Crane Architectural Group. The staff and consultants of Crane Architectural Group focus their talent and experience on the specific needs of each client’s project. If you are in the market for a highly motivated architectural firm, Crane Architectural Group would be pleased to discuss your needs.